Climatic cabinets

Controls for provers, retarder proofers, blast chilling


Retarder prover controller

RPC-3D MINI is an electronic controller for cabinets and for retarder proofers generally employed in bakeries and pastry shops. 
RPC-3D MINI  monitors the humidity, Temp according to a settable hysteresis, and the ventilators. Humidity can be generated  continuously or  intermittently.
The  automatic cycle consists in the Temp cut-down, conservation, pre-proving, proving and sleeper. 
To improve proving a Temp ramp can be enabled during the pre-proving process.
The ventilators can be programmed for each phase to work continuously or intermittently.
Temp and humidity can be activated manually for the needed time.
User’s interface is made of  3 displays , each one with 3 digits of   13mm, to visualize  Temp, humidity and time values. Nine function buttons are present to ease  the  use of the controller.
The operator panel is in  polycarbonate supported by an aluminium plate or in thermoformed plastic.
Interface panel graphics and dimensions can be personalized according to customer’s requirements.

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